Ortho Molecular Products

Ortho Molecular Products GABAnol


Ortho Molecular Products GABAnol

GABAnol provides a combination of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to temporarily promote muscle relaxation and glycine to support muscle protein synthesis. Together with magnesium, vitamin B6 and select botanicals, GABAnol serves as an excellent alternative to L-theanine-based products. One capsule of GABAnol includes 125 mg GABA, 112.5 mg glycine, 100 mg cramp bark and 75 mg Dong quai.


GABA, the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, plays a key role in regulating muscle excitability. GABA acts as a relaxant for nerve impulses, controlling muscle contractions. GABA also supports the brain, preventing messages that trigger muscle spasms from reaching motor centers of the brain by occupying their receptor sites.


GABA itself is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and regulates other neurotransmissions to prevent overstimulation. A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover- designed study found that among 63 adults given capsules containing 100 mg of GABA or a placebo, those who had taken GABA experienced diminished alpha band and beta band brain waves compared with placebo.1


Glycine is a source of an amino acid involved in muscle protein synthesis. Elevated amounts are found in the muscles, skin and other connective tissues. Glycine has been found to help inhibit the deterioration of valuable protein tissue that forms muscle and boosts muscle recovery.2,3